Yahoo Vs Google Vs Bing Vs Aol Search Engine Optimization Process which is best ? A little Review of Google Search Engine & Yahoo Search Engine In short Google Vs Yahoo always as you know , my point of view is also same that Google is the largest search engine in the world acc to some sources i am coming to know that above 65 % peoples uses Google search and in comparison to Google yahoo only limited to 15 % users , now lets talk about how both works for there user's .
firstly Google has a fine way of indexing websites as per user's use our website Google take care of it Google Crawler index our pages on the basis of specific keywords that's user's user ed to reach at our website blog , Google page rank algorithm simply depend Upton Search engine optimization .
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Yahoo Vs Google Vs Bing Vs Aol |
while in case of yahoo , yahoo is little bit different yahoo has its own crawler to index websites its pages to index in yahoo search , they take care of many things your meta tags , your website management , anyways its too happen in Google search but Google is little bit user friendly in comparison of yahoo , yahoo has its own paid directly you can submit your website to yahoo directory , no a days yahoo is directed by bing ,
Google re-strictly take care on your keywords that's why SEO comes in , after applying many seo methods , tricks to your website your blog you may go top in Google page ranking googe will show you blog on the top of the search with your site inks that is known as SERP ( SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGE ) let me tell you that people apply lot f methods , lot of tricks , to get SERP for there pages , there website , but they fails tto get website blog internal site linking , because its automated , Repeated again its Automate you can't create SERP of your blog or your website on your own self its Google crawler that take care of it ,
look bellow pic what is SERP all about And don't forget to share our website with your friends , because Someone say , Knowledge is for sharing to submit your website to yahoo directory click here ,, hope you enjoy my blog comment bellow
First of all than to join this conversation , you seem's be master of Technology , You seems be hungry for gain knowledge that's the reason why you have choose my blog or type such a keywords in Search Engine Now come back on the topic , so lets start with bing , as per in our last article we have give a review of GOOGLE Vs Yahoo how there search Engine Optimization Process occur ,
How yahoo Google Crawler work to index your website to there Index , You can Find my Recent Article Here , Today we are going to Review BING SEARCH ENGINE Vs AOL SEARCH ENGINE VS ASK SEARCH ENGINE , we will discuss how there algorithm works , how they index website's in there search engine , so guys lets you tell me with my experience i have found that Bing is a good Search Engine in comparison to yahoo , Bing is powered by Microsoft , and its too a old Search Engine in INTERNET HISTORY ,
in today's time Yahoo is also powered by Bing , Bing Search Engine Mainly focus on Your post title's you meta tags that have used in your website , Meta Tags describes for what your website is stand up , what about your website / blog is ? so bing has a batter logarithm program rather in comparison of Yahoo Search Engine , In Bing Search Engine you can Easily index your website as comparison to GOOGLE Search Engine.
now come on AOL Search Engine , AOL is also a old search engine , In today's time AOL is also Depends on Other Search Engine's to show its result , Yes AOL has its Own Search Engine But if you are going to Search Any query On AOL Search Engine than its will give you a Result Output Mostly contains External Results From Other Search Engine Like GOOGLE , But quit Please stop Thinking too negative about AOL its not a waste , AOL shows Vertical and horizontal both type results in its Search Its also show the Paid links in its result Output You should Go to Index your Website to AOL search Engine ,
Now the last one , what you thinking ? should i Quit here ? Are you Feeling Bored while reading my articles , OK no matter , if are feeling bored than Leave its Am happy with That smiling :) now come to the topic , so What About Ask Search Engine
ASK SEARCH ENGINE :- Ask Search Engine is also a old time search engine , or we can say that Ask is not a Search Engine its a query Box , i mean have you noticed whenever you make a search in ASK SEARCH ENGINE , it show's result to your keywords like you are asking a question to ask , that's why the owner's give a name ASK , ASK mainly Focused on Query Answer program
there's no Negative impact of Ask search Engine on your blog / website traffic , so you may or may not index your website to ask Search Engine , its your wish but i advise you too go with all three search Engine Get up and index your website all the three Search Engine no one want that there reader miss there important Article's if you have satisfied with my today's article than please make a comment bellow its will give me lot of confidence.
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